Chapter – 22
Hansel and Gretel
Jack Zipes

Summary of the story

Jack Zipes, a German professor has attempted to develop this fairy tale from a social or political point of view. He emphasizes the struggle between the poor and rich people in the society. According to him, the witch symbolizes feudal system and the children symbolizes common, poor people. Killing the witch shows hatred feeling for those cruel and oppressor aristocrats in the heart of poor people similarly, the flight between witch and children stands for class conflict.

The war at the end of the 18th century caused famine and poverty and thus the feudal system broke down. The children know that their enemies are the social forces, not the parents. Therefore, they do not turn against their parents. They show their tolerant attitude toward the stepmother. The stepmother was common in the society because women died young during childbearing and unsanitary conditions and fathers had to remarry.

The story shows the biasness and cruelty of feudal ideology. The poor people would change their conditions if they acted they have to struggle hopefully. Zipes conveys the message behind this interpretation that poor people must attack rich people if things are going to get better for them.